When in Rome is here to make drinking wine as much fun as it is in Italy. We bring you high quality craft wines at great value, whilst all the time minimising our impact on the environment.
Award-winning, sustainably packaged, Italian craft wine
We are the UK’s leading alt-format wine producer. We want to help the rest of the world enjoy wine like the Italians do – in a more sociable, healthy and environmentally sustainable way.
Our range of Italian craft wines are sold in eco-friendly, alt-format packaging such as paper bottle, bag-in-box and aluminium can, that produce up to ten times less carbon than a single-use glass bottle.
Find out more about the CO2 savings you can make with alternative packaging
Our range
Our journey so far…
Founded in 2015 by three friends on a shared passion for
great wine and an urgent need to reduce the wine industry’s carbon footprint,
When in Rome is on a mission to help wine lovers everywhere discover
award-winning Italian craft wines with the smallest possible climate impact.
You can find our wines in Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, Ocado,
British Airways, local wine shops and right here on our website.